Star Light Star Bright


“Star light, star bright. The first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might. Have the wish I wish tonight”

Pinocchio delivered that famous line when one day he looked upon the glazing star, so luminously fixed in the night sky, and wished that one day he’d become a human boy. Flash forward 120 years later after Carlo Collodi brought his children’s novel to life, the very thought of wishing upon a star for a desire, a dream so far-fetched and improbable, remain naive and vacuous to most people. Image

However, many great inventions and enterprises trading equities around the globe do not achieve their monumental success without, at one point in time, a wish…a desire…a minuscule dream so small and insignificant that many deem preposterous. However, without igniting a dream, believing in its existence, and nurturing its growth, we wouldn’t be moving forward with our existence; rather, we would remain complacent in our current state of affairs and be bounded by the confining “can dos, can’t dos” of our daily grind.

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Like those of Evan Spiegel (who developed Snapchat as a project for one of his product design classes at Stanford) and Michael Dell (who founded his namesake company from his dorm room by selling computers built from stock components), they believed the trail of success starts with a solid foundation. In my outfit today I chose this black and white outfit with this star-spangled cardi (which reminds me of what Rosie Huntington-Whiteley wore; similar one HERE) because this color combo reminds me of the fundamental bearings of a stable core – one that is “tried and tested”; one that retains its value and withstands passing trends and time. 


Thus I believe our lives should be led by a well-rooted foundation and our dreams catapulted with a strong mind, a tactful plan, and a bucket full of faith. Like a glazing star whose life begins with traces of hydrogen fuel and helium, ideas are like chemical infusions that, in due time, creates newer elements that propel our expansion, leaps and bounds, into newer and more fulfilling areas!

Shine on starlets!

Xo~ Lena


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Photos: Jason J Photography

Dress: Forever 21// Cardi: TopShop// Tights: Hue// Shoes: Vince Camuto// Accessories: H&M/Urban Outfitters


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108 thoughts on “Star Light Star Bright

  1. I LOVE the Music Box!!! It is one of my favorite theaters mainly because they play all my favorite old movies. I also love the Southport area and can’t wait to go back. I get emails all the time from the Music Box and get instantly jealous and sad I will be missing some great movie. Their midnight showings are always so much fun. I also love the cute comfy sweater you are wearing 🙂 – Janet

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Shireen, glad you liked post! I really enjoy writing inspirational post that motivate people to be successful and happy while staying true to their core! And yes, a strong foundation would withstand the rain, hail and snow that life brings along the way! 🙂


  2. I love the storytelling you weave with your outfits! This one was especially inspiring, as I felt like I’ve sort of hit a wall for now haha. It was a good reminder to think back to the really beginning and be motivated once again. Also, the cardigan looks so, so soft! I wish i could touch it hahaha hope that doesn’t sound weird.

    Liked by 1 person

    • haha~ I know what you mean, I am the same way when I see a fuzzy top or sweater, I just want my hands on it lol~ Also I’m glad you were inspired by this post, as was I when I wrote it 🙂 It’s always good to check in with ourselves every once in a while to make sure we are on the right track. Take care girl and always stay true to your awesome self!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Lena! First of all, your photos for this shoot are fantastic! Your black and white outfit serves as a effective and lovely contrast to the colorful lights of the theater behind you. Very chic look! You look gorgeous! I agree, we all need to continue to foster our dreams, no matter how big or small. I have also been a victim of the “cants” and fearful ‘what ifs’ about the future. However, I took a huge step out of complacency when I started my fashion blog and so many good things have come of taking that risk; I feel more fulfilled, creatively charged, and I even get to meet amazing people like you:) ~ Lauren


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